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Cheap Wholesale Mac Makeup Residual particles cause eye mascara

We know that the eye can be said to be one of the most vulnerable organ on our body, and any foreign body irritation can cause eye discomfort. cheap makeup It can not control that is dirty dirt or foreign matter is precious gold powder. Eyes on them are treated equally. makeup wholesale Daily life in addition to dust, foreign body eye injuries, the most common case of girls would like to use mascara residual particles of!

wholesale mac cosmetics Eye is one of the organs of the human body is very fragile, its foreign body feeling very sensitive. Mascara girls use every mac makeup wholesale day cleaning is not complete, the majority will leave small particles, which is a great damage to the eyes, in the long run can cause conjunctivitis, eye margin Yandeng eye diseases. And many people often feel watery eyes or other discomfort, can not find the reason, probably due to incomplete cleaning mascara cosmetic mac makeup

In addition, cosmetic ingredients already contain complex, many of substandard goods and circulation in the market, once the toxin enters the eye, the result is hard to imagine.

1 Use mascara every day, it must be thoroughly cleaned, do not be lazy.

2 eye diseases exist, due to local immune function is low, and therefore must not use mascara.

3 replace mascara varieties, or use a product with, may cause eye discomfort at different times, once problems are detected, to immediately stop the use of such cosmetics, in a timely manner to the hospital.

4. mac cosmetics wholesale possible to pick a good brand, excellent quality mascara, reducing damage to the eyes.

5, of course, the best way is not to use mascara. In fact, a woman using mascara America also no where to go. Simple Cleansing: Use a cotton pad, pour point Makeup Remover on, two completely soaked, then roll on the middle finger, respectively, from the bottom up Press and hold the lashes position, light cover at about 20 seconds, and then gently upwards open, mascara easily relieved, and very clean, take a cotton swab dipped enough eyeliner part Remover nudge it! if it is coated with waterproof mascara can cover more than a moment, so that the dissolved better cheap cosmetics cleaner more. wholesale makeup

Mascara Remover provides how: First use a cotton swab moistened with Eye and Lip Makeup Remover, a cotton pad and then the lower eyelid, that is, when you eyes closed, cotton pad just below the lashes, and then use a cotton swab to gently wipe cheap makeup online your eyelashes the mascara on the lashes unloaded, while cotton pad is because some mascara / jiqiao / jiemaogao / unloading time will cause the lower eyelids black whirring, cotton pads to avoid mascara lower eyelid caused by residual halo black. cheap mac cosmetics Relatively weak sensitive around the eyes, so to light wipe.

In fact, it is very easy to unload mascara, just use cleansing oil on the line, pour some in the palm of the hand, then apply the wholesale mac makeup lashes, gently rub, cosmetics wholesale then add a little water, oil on all becomes milky, and then washed with water static on the line... so the face can also be unloaded. then use a mild face wash a little dew on the mac cosmetics